Biodiesel fuel is the newest type of diesel fuel available to consumers, and represents a move away from traditional non-renewable fossil fuels in vehicles. Biodiesel fuels provide a number of benefits over regular diesel fuels, and understanding the differences between these two fuels can help you make an educated decision about which type of diesel is best for your vehicle.

The Advantages of Biodiesel Fuel

Unlike regular diesel fuel, biodiesel is made out of renewable resources, such as plant matter, which means that it is a more sustainable option in the future, as it is impossible to run out of fuel. It is also extremely economically friendly, emitting fewer greenhouse gases when burned than regular diesel fuel. This means that it can help reduce our overall carbon footprint if it becomes widely used.

Furthermore, biodiesel fuels can be used in all standard diesel engines, and requires no conversions or alterations to be made. The switch from traditional fuels to biodiesel is as simple as filling up your vehicle with biodiesel fuel. You can also blend biodiesel with regular diesel and other types of fuel without harming your car or vehicle, which makes the transition fairly safe. Biodiesel is also less hard on your car's engine than regular diesel, and can extend the lifespan of the engine significantly. It can also clean out dirt and grime that has become stuck in your engine, which can lower the performance of your vehicle.

Another key benefit of using biodiesel fuel over other types of fuel is the fact that it is completely non-toxic and biodegradable, which makes it much safer to handle and makes spills and leaks much less dangerous.


When making the switch from diesel to biodiesel, there are a few considerations to take into account. First of all, even though biodiesel will clean out dirt from your engine, the amount of dirt that it clears away may actually clog up the engine after the first few hours of use. After you have switched to biodiesel, be sure to switch out your fuel filter after you have driven for a short period of time. You should see significant amounts of debris collected within it. Finally, you must also take into account the fact that biodiesel currently costs more than regular diesel, because it is not as widely used and does not benefit from economies of scale. However, the price can only go down over time, as it is not a finite resource like regular diesel is. Talk to a professional like Nelson Petroleum for more information.
